Mar 15, 2022
• Karine Joly, Anna Moxnes, Dennis Praet and Pete Allum discuss
• Jason Cooke talks helmets, specifically the Cookie G35
• Front cover by Casey Pruett of Brian over Tambor, Costa Rica
• Back Cover of Skydive Tilstock Women’s Edition
• Jeb’s new book Memoirs from The Edge
• Tash used an Oculus to view one of Jeb’s flights in 3D
• FS1 makeover
• AON2 in struggle with chip shortage but pressing ahead with
• Brit200 / Lions80 Progress and Dilemma
• Joel Strickland, Rich Madeley and Kris Sheppard head to Poland
with Ukraine aid.
• Bruno Brokken jumps precisely on the Equator in Ecuador
• New app out by Adam Mattacola []
• Regan Tetlow on Lunatic Fringe []
• Skydive Spain starts the fuel surcharge ball rolling
• India gets it’s first wind tunnel
• Bedfordshire get’s it’s tunnel back. Kinda
• How many tunnels are there in the world?
• Craig’s the only person with a rig in date
• Rai’s rigger is a 90min drive away.
• Tash’s rigger is a 90mm roll away.
• Brian flew in the tunnel(s) with a mohawk on his G4
• Tash is heading to three of the four international competitions
in 2022
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